Podcast Production

What do all the words mean?!

Editing styles

  • A basic tidy up of your audio,

    • Improving the overall sound as much as possible (but we’ll give you tips on how to achieve the best sound at the time of recording).

    • Removal of obvious mistakes like coughs and sneezes, mic bumps, false starts and cross talk (when you and your guest/co-host talk over eachother) where possible.

    • If there are small chunks of content you’d like removed just provide the time stamp and the first/last line of the section to cut, otherwise the actual episode content is left as is.

    This style is ideal for hosts who don’t need their original recording cut down to a particular length, and for podcasts which benefit from a more relaxed and candid feel (such as comedy, lifestyle and entertainment podcasts).

  • Sometimes referred to as a ‘producer’s cut’,

    • a more in-depth content edit with a focus on the overall listening experience for your audience.

    • Sentence structure is improved where possible (whilst retaining a natural sound) to improve flow.

    • Waffle and repetition is removed to create a smoother narrative and keep the listener’s attention on the topic.

    • Filler and crutch words (‘like’, ‘sort of’, ‘kind of’, ‘umm’,) are removed, and pauses are either tightened up or elongated to either maintain momentum or allow listeners extra time to process the more meaningful moments.

    This style is best for those recording for significantly longer than their desired final episode length. Also ideal for those wanting to position themselves as an experienced voice of authority in their subject (like business or academic podcasts).

Episode extras

  • The written summary of your individual podcast episode. Gives prospective listeners an overview of what the episode covers. Provide extra value to listeners by sign-posting them to further reading and resources, or links to your own products and services to feed your audience back into your online space. Show notes also perform a valuable SEO function by increasing visibility of your podcast in related internet searches.

  • A juicy clip from your episode, set to either your podcast cover art or an episode specific graphic (incorporating the episode title/headshot of your guest) with subtitles. An easy way to create a visual asset of your episode to help promote your podcast on social media.

  • Like an Audiogram, but featuring footage from your podcast recording. Help your listeners get to know you by letting them see your personality as well as hearing it.

  • An AI generated transcript of your entire episode. Sometimes uploaded with your episode alongside your show notes, or posted on your website to further boost SEO functionality. Also a great resource for picking out great quotable moments to inspire further online content to promote individual episodes.

Launch your podcast with us and start connecting with your audience in ways social media can’t match.